What is the current City of Longmont target for Waste Diversion?

    Fifty percent residential waste diversion from the landfill by 2025. In 2021, the City had 42% residential waste diversion. The City does not currently have targets for the commercial or industrial sectors, or for municipal facilities operations.

    Is the City of Longmont considering additional or more ambitious waste diversion targets?

    The city is considering two scenarios that were proposed in the Longmont Waste Lifecycle Analysis.

    1. Scenario 1: 2025: 50% total city waste diversion, 2050: 85% total city waste diversion
    2. Scenario 2: 2025: 50% total city waste diversion, 2035: 85% residential and commercial waste diversion & 60% construction & demolition waste diversion, 2050: 95% full city waste diversion

    Why is recycling and composting important?

    Reducing waste overall and diverting as much as we can through recycling and composting is critical in creating healthy and safe communities for our residents, and thriving ecosystems that support clean air, water and soil.

    What does “zero waste” mean?

    Zero waste is an effort to reduce as much waste from the landfill as our infrastructure makes possible. Based on current technology, it is possible to aim to reduce 85-95% of waste from landfills.

    What is a Universal Recycling Ordinance?

    A Universal Recycling Ordinance usually requires commercial and multifamily properties to provide access to recycling. The ordinance may include a phasing in period and exemptions for specific types of businesses. 

    I live in an apartment that does not have recycling – will the URO help me get recycling?

    The City is still drafting the Ordinance but most likely apartments will be included in the URO. If you live in or own an apartment, we’d like to hear from you! Contact us or ask a question or comment.

    Is composting going to be required in a Universal Recycling Ordinance?

    The City is currently considering all options for the Universal Recycling Ordinance, including composting. Feel free to submit comments about whether composting should be part of the URO to the project team.